> Thorough explanation there.
> A _very_ long way away from what the pictures infer.
> Also, rather more interesting.
> Ok. It's all quite Medieval and a wee bit 'Gilliam'.
> Nifty.
> Thanks. Yep. Tesla.
> Got it. What an absolutely marvellous subject matter!
> Actually, there's something of this in the Guildsmen of the Dune film ...
> Best try to avoid this.
> Ta!
> Right-o.
> I'm _really_ keen to do a gloomy, ominous pic of the Guards in full pack
unleashing Tesla Death upon a corridor (Not with the 'Flowers'. That a)
looks too 'Pulp' as a single image and b) gives away the story) but also
want to have a bash at them as mentioned in previous description, guarding
the 'Twisting ramps' to the air-clog.
> As such, how's this image (Enclosed rough sketch) look?
> This is more with a view to the design of the ramps than that of the Guards
as yet.
> I'm aiming for a hint of the 'Wells' element as you'd described. Touched
with Metropolis/ Assyria/ Escher. Yes: With plentiful glyphs.
> And, the finished one would have a slightly more accurate (Vertiginous)
perspective, ie: looking 'up' more.
> Best:
The pic looks grand, absolutely grand.   The guardsman looks excellent - it
has the combination of high-tech and "armour" spot on.
Remember, most armour in most societies has been a **fashion** item.
Nothing has been more strongly influenced by fashion.  That is why the
simple task of stopping Thnigs Being Stuck Through You has been solved in a
different way in every society.
So I like the "stylised" elements here - the heavy over-piece on the Helm,
in particular.   (Hint there are extra sensors in here, maybe)
The weapon/staff/axe he is holding is **exactly** the right thing.
If the Watchmen have any sort of personal weapon it should be something like
this -  something that looks a bit like a wizard's staff, a bit like a
scientific instrument, a bit like a medaeval halbard, and only a very little
bit like a contemporary weapon of some type.
I think the power lead should go behind his feet though so he doesn't trip
on it!! But yes to the lead, and the semi-mobile power source: this is the
sort of thing (but MUCH bigger) they will be using at the end.  Basically,
then, they are unleashing hundreds of megawatts of power, so all the power
must be transferred by cables, like this, but more massive.  So at that
point the "mobile projectors" they are using would be like a giant version
of this hand weapon, with bits on it that look like the bits here, meant to
project electromagnetic vibration plasma whatsit that kill the Eaters.
The same "style".
The armour can be this bulky, but it should project a "I am complex" feel
rather than an "I am solid metal" feel, so, yes, yes, many twiddly bits (eg,
maybe, maybe cathode-tipped spikes designed to hold a field a few
centimeters outside the actual surface . . .  or somethig like that ..
suggestion only, but that sort of ideas.   It is electro-magnetic armour.
Electrode shapes in old vacuum tubes . . . )
Lovely concentration on her lonely figure, there: and the contrast between
the swathed/cloth/human shape and the metal everywhere else . .  .
The perspective and the shaping of the "spaces" is totally up to you.  So
long as it is reasonably clear that she is going or will be going upward, do
what you like.  Obviously a large open space with many elements in it is far
more interesting than a confined tunnel, and here we are above the last
Cities, so feel free.
Watchmen in the Tower should carry the rune THURISAZ on their breast, large
and clear.  It is a thunder-rune and appropriate for those who use the
Earth-current in war.
Within the context of the Redoubt, the Earth-current has the same source of
**mana** that the sunlight has today.   It is not merely power, but also
virtue and life.  So the Watchmen in this fight are also holy warriors, and
the Eaters are demons as well as aliens.   The fight has a *religous* as
well as a science-fictional overtone.    (and a bit of peasants with
pitchforks and torches)
> . . . this is "valvepunk".  . . ..
> Meantime:
> (With no particular relevance)
> One time I really must dig out the lecture notes by Professor Thaddeus Swann
when he demonstrated his 'Crypton Spectographer' to a psychic research
society in 1900. This lovely little device included use of Klaparothium (A
delightful few minutes of doublethink as the audience were encouraged to
handle it) and Tesla Coils, and allowed a visual projection of the 'Thought
Plasm of
Long-Dead Beasts' (At some point, the Prof was delighted to shout! "See!
That is almost certainly the emotions of a lustful Trilobite!".
> Role Playing weekend: a few years ago.
> I was given the - to my mind, self-contradictory task of 'constructing a
machine that could see ghosts'. Result was a schism in the Psychic
community, and a rash of mysterious deaths. The late Mr S (Dispatched by a
razorsharp Chinese fan) is now animated by forces beyond our Ken.
> Enclosed: Pic of partially assembled Crypton Spectographer in Fgrnd.
> Best:

Night Scapes