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Nightmares of the Fall
Others' Night Mares
The Days of Darkening
Night Scribes
The Night Land

The Siege of Humanity

"There is no laughter," one of the Watchmen says.

"It is listening," I reply. "For once, it is listening."

by Sean McLachlan


Awake in the Night

"Years ago, my friend Perithoös went into the Night Lands. His whole company had perished in their flesh, or had been Destroyed in their souls. I am awake in the night, and I hear his voice."

by John C Wright



"After a hundred thousand years, it was time to clear out these Levels of the Long Siege - the lowest half-mile of the Pyramid that had borne the greatest brunt of attacks from the Night Land."

by Nigel Brown


The Testament of Andros

"As I recalled the way she had sung to me in the days of sunlight, the longing for her reached me from across the ages, and for the first time I understood the emptiness that had haunted me even from my childhood."

by James Stoddard


A Mouse in the Walls of the Lesser Redoubt

"He stood on the frozen broken plain. The frigid wind scoured his face with sharp blue snowflakes that stuck to his skin and refused to melt, sucking the heat from him. The Fixed Giants looked on, impassive as mountains. . . ."

by Nigel Atkinson


Meanwhile, She Dreams

". . thinking that black worlds swinging on imaginary orbits through the houses of dead constellations could still pull the strings of their earthly lives."

by Brett Davidson



"But it can't be true. It's a myth. It's beautiful, but it's just a story."

by Pinlighter


The Inward Seer

" I in my tower, staring out, with that keen dread sense telling me of the vast presences outside, and of their slow, deliberate ranging toward my house. . ."

by Mark Valentine



" - She strives only to be part of the machine that scans the night. . ."

by Pinlighter


An Exhalation of Butterflies

" - Through his bare feet, he felt a subtle change in the normal vibrational timbre of the Redoubt's naked metal. . . "

by Nigel Atkinson


The Last Redoubt

" - it was not as if I dreamed; but, as it were, that I waked there into the dark, in the future of this world. And the sun had died;"

by William Hope Hodgson

Seeking Survival a poem by Erin Donahoe
To God a poem by William Hope Hodgson
Black Irises a poem by Lucy A.E.Ward
Little Rituals a poem by Lucy A.E.Ward
D R E A M by Pinlighter
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